Part I.
Social Sciences 7th grade
Summary of Theory.
a. Hinduism
Hinduism is the belief that worship and worship many gods(polytheism), the main deity is called trinity consisting of Brahma(the god creator), Vishnu (the god maintainer) and Shiva (the godof destruction).
Hindu scripture is the Book of the Vedas, which consists of fourparts:
1. Rigweda contains praise of the god.
2. Samaweda contains sacred chants.
3. Yajurweda contains spells.
4. Athawaweda contains prayers for treatment.
In a society known for four castes are: Brahmins (priestscomposed), Knights (consisting of kings, nobles, warriors),Vaishya (consisting of entrepreneurs, merchants), Sudra(comprised blue-collar workers and the commoners).
b. Buddhism.
Buddhist religion was first taught by Siddharta Gautama / BuddhaGautama, the son of the king of the kingdom of Kosala Sudhodanain Kapilavastu.
Main religion is that human life bidha was in a state of Samsara(suffering) and therefore every man must get away from misery tohide away by various lusts.
Lust can be quenched by running Astavida (eight-way) the truth.
Buddhist religious scripture is the Tripitaka which consists of threeparts: Winaya Pitaka, Sutranpitake, and Abhidarmapitaka.
In the development of Buddhist religion split into two streams, namely:
1. Buddhist Mahayana (great vehicle), humans can reach nirvanawith the mediation of Bodhisattva.
2. Buddhist Hinayana (small vehicle), attempt to reach nirvana canonly be done by human beings as individuals.
The process of entry and the development of Hindu-Buddhist in Indonesia.
The Indonesian nation has a very strategic position in internationaltrade routes, so much traveled and visited by foreign traders, especially India and China.
The process of inclusion of religion and the Hindu-Buddhist cultureto Indonesia through trade activities.
This is part sertanga, the priests who came together with traders tospread the religion.
The pastor during stay in Indonesia has many disciples. Many ofthese students who make pilgrimages to India to increase their knowledge.
After them come from India spread the religion with their own language so easily understood and accepted by society.
Other supporting factors that accelerate the development of Hindureligion and culture are the kings in Indonesia, bringing the priestfrom India to lead worship or sacrificial ceremonies.
The entry of Buddhism brought by the monk, one ofof which is theGunawan or Gunawarman monk from Kashmir .
There are some theories that say the Hindu-Buddhist factioncarrier to Indonesia:
1. Vaishya theory (by NJ Krom) carrier Indian traders.
2. The theory of Knights (by CCBerg) the carrier of the Indianwarrior.
3. Theory Brahmana (by Van Leur), the Brahmins who are invitedto Indonesia.
4. Reverse Flow Theory (by FDK Bosch) carrier Indonesian peoplewho learn to India.
There beberapaketerangan that hubunga between India andIndonesia have been since before the year AD include:
a. In the book of the Ramayana called the name Jawadwipa (IslandRice) is equated with the island of Java.
b. Indian people call Swarnadwipa (island of gold) is equated with the island of Sumatra.
c. Shipping Buddhist monk to Swarnadwipa or Sumatra by kingAshoka of the Mauryan empire in Pataliputra.
d. The discovery of the Buddha statue in the style amarawatiSempaga (South Sulawesi, East Java, Palembang).
e. Inscription Found on awalabad Yupa shaped the 5th AD in EastKalimantan.
Hindu-Buddhist Path entry into Indonesia.
a. Sea Line.
The merchants and priests to spread the Hindu-Buddhist to the archipelago by land and sea.
Those who followed the entourage through the sea route traderswho make the voyage from South Asia to East Asia.
Distribution route is to start from India, Myanmar, Thailand,Peninsular Malaya, Indonesia, Cambodia, Viatnam, China, Koreaand Japan. Among them there is also a direct sail to thearchipelago.
b. Land Line
The spreader that uses a landline there is a part of the caravanride through the Silk Road, from India to Tibet continue north until he came in China, Korea and Japan.
Social Sciences 7th grade
Summary of Theory.
a. Hinduism
Hinduism is the belief that worship and worship many gods(polytheism), the main deity is called trinity consisting of Brahma(the god creator), Vishnu (the god maintainer) and Shiva (the godof destruction).
Hindu scripture is the Book of the Vedas, which consists of fourparts:
1. Rigweda contains praise of the god.
2. Samaweda contains sacred chants.
3. Yajurweda contains spells.
4. Athawaweda contains prayers for treatment.
In a society known for four castes are: Brahmins (priestscomposed), Knights (consisting of kings, nobles, warriors),Vaishya (consisting of entrepreneurs, merchants), Sudra(comprised blue-collar workers and the commoners).
b. Buddhism.
Buddhist religion was first taught by Siddharta Gautama / BuddhaGautama, the son of the king of the kingdom of Kosala Sudhodanain Kapilavastu.
Main religion is that human life bidha was in a state of Samsara(suffering) and therefore every man must get away from misery tohide away by various lusts.
Lust can be quenched by running Astavida (eight-way) the truth.
Buddhist religious scripture is the Tripitaka which consists of threeparts: Winaya Pitaka, Sutranpitake, and Abhidarmapitaka.
In the development of Buddhist religion split into two streams, namely:
1. Buddhist Mahayana (great vehicle), humans can reach nirvanawith the mediation of Bodhisattva.
2. Buddhist Hinayana (small vehicle), attempt to reach nirvana canonly be done by human beings as individuals.
The process of entry and the development of Hindu-Buddhist in Indonesia.
The Indonesian nation has a very strategic position in internationaltrade routes, so much traveled and visited by foreign traders, especially India and China.
The process of inclusion of religion and the Hindu-Buddhist cultureto Indonesia through trade activities.
This is part sertanga, the priests who came together with traders tospread the religion.
The pastor during stay in Indonesia has many disciples. Many ofthese students who make pilgrimages to India to increase their knowledge.
After them come from India spread the religion with their own language so easily understood and accepted by society.
Other supporting factors that accelerate the development of Hindureligion and culture are the kings in Indonesia, bringing the priestfrom India to lead worship or sacrificial ceremonies.
The entry of Buddhism brought by the monk, one ofof which is theGunawan or Gunawarman monk from Kashmir .
There are some theories that say the Hindu-Buddhist factioncarrier to Indonesia:
1. Vaishya theory (by NJ Krom) carrier Indian traders.
2. The theory of Knights (by CCBerg) the carrier of the Indianwarrior.
3. Theory Brahmana (by Van Leur), the Brahmins who are invitedto Indonesia.
4. Reverse Flow Theory (by FDK Bosch) carrier Indonesian peoplewho learn to India.
There beberapaketerangan that hubunga between India andIndonesia have been since before the year AD include:
a. In the book of the Ramayana called the name Jawadwipa (IslandRice) is equated with the island of Java.
b. Indian people call Swarnadwipa (island of gold) is equated with the island of Sumatra.
c. Shipping Buddhist monk to Swarnadwipa or Sumatra by kingAshoka of the Mauryan empire in Pataliputra.
d. The discovery of the Buddha statue in the style amarawatiSempaga (South Sulawesi, East Java, Palembang).
e. Inscription Found on awalabad Yupa shaped the 5th AD in EastKalimantan.
Hindu-Buddhist Path entry into Indonesia.
a. Sea Line.
The merchants and priests to spread the Hindu-Buddhist to the archipelago by land and sea.
Those who followed the entourage through the sea route traderswho make the voyage from South Asia to East Asia.
Distribution route is to start from India, Myanmar, Thailand,Peninsular Malaya, Indonesia, Cambodia, Viatnam, China, Koreaand Japan. Among them there is also a direct sail to thearchipelago.
b. Land Line
The spreader that uses a landline there is a part of the caravanride through the Silk Road, from India to Tibet continue north until he came in China, Korea and Japan.
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