Preparation of Indonesian Independence.

Question - answer:
1. In 1944 the position of Japan in the Asia Pacific war increasingly pressured by theAllied Forces. Due to circumstances that Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojoresigns, replaced by whom?
answer: General Kuinaki Koiso.
2. Who issued a promise of independence to the nation of Indonesia.
replied: Prime Minister Koiso Kuinaki.
3. What is the background of the establishment BPUPKI (Investigation Agency's efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence)?
answer: The agency was formed to study the important issues relating to governanceIndonesia Merdeka. In return, the government hopes the Japanese occupation of Indonesia to help fight the Allies.
4. When was the announcement of the appointment of members BPUPKI done?
answer: on April 1, 1945.
5. Who chairman BPUPKI?
replied: dr. K.R.T. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat.
6. Who is the vice chairman BPUPKI?
answer: from Indonesia: R.P. Soeroso; from Japan: Ichibangase.
7. When was the first trial BPUPKI?
answer: 29 May to 1 June 1945.
8. What BPUPKI discussed at the first session?
replied: BPUPKI discusses the basic state of Indonesia Merdeka.
9. Who are the characters who express views on the basis of the state?
replied: Ir. Soekarno, Mr. Moh. Yamin, and Prof. Mr. Dr. Soepomo, SH.
10. Who was the first to give their view on the basis of the state?
responsible: Mr. Moh. Yamin.
11. When the hearing BPUPKI into two?
answer: 10 to 17 July 1945.
12. What was discussed in the second session of BPUPKI?
replied: BPUPKI discuss about the draft constitution.
13. On what date the committee drafting the constitution approved the contents ofopening the constitution to be taken from the manuscript of the Jakarta Charter.
14. When will BPUPKI disbanded?
answer: at the beginning of August 1945.
15. How many members BPUPKI?
answer: 60 people.
16. When was the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI)formed?
answer: on August 7, 1945.
17. Who chairman PPKI?
replied: Ir. Sukarno.
18. When and where dr. K.R.T. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat born?
answer: 21 April 1879 in Yogyakarta.
19. When and where Mr. Moh. Yamin was born?
said: August 24, 1903 in western Sumatra Sawahlunto.
20. When and where Prof. Mr. Dr. Soepomo, SH. born?
said: January 22, 1903 in Sukoharjo, Central Java Province.

Congratulations to learn good luck.

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