Problem - users of Natural Science of light for fifth gradeelementary school children semester 2.
1. The main light source on earth is .......?
     Answer: the sun.
2. What is the source of light?
    Answer: The source of light is all the objects that produce light.
3. What are the properties of light?
    Answer: The light has the properties: creep straight, through thetranslucent objects, can be reflected, and can be refracted.
4. Mention examples in everyday life that light propagatingstraight?
     Answer: sunlight entering the room, looking like a straight whitesticks.
5. According to at least continue the light, objects are divided intotwo namely ..................?
     Answer: object nodes and dark objects.
6. What is the object nodes?
     Answer: object nodes are objects that can be penetrated bylight.
7. What is dark matter?
     replied: dark objects are objects that can not be penetrated bylight.
8. When to diffuse reflection (diffuse reflection) can occur?
     answered: what happens when the diffuse reflection of light onuneven surfaces.
9. State the nature of shadows on the flat mirror?
     Answer: the properties of shadows on the flat mirror is:
                   1. shadow object is upright.
                   2. virtual or pseudo
                   3. shadows and objects have the same size.
                   4. shadow in the mirror distance equal to the distancethe object in the mirror.
                   5. Shadow the opposite direction to the object.
10. How is the sound of the light reflection law?
       answer: a. rays come, light reflective, and the normal line is located Dapa one plane.
                    b. incidence angle equal to angle reflection.

Congratulations to learn good luck.!!!

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1 Response to 'Science 5th grade elementary school.'

  1. Krizetya'z wiFroG'> 11 April 2011 pukul 06.16

    mksih y soalny pak .......
    ksih lgi dong soal kls 5 ....


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